Rechte Spalte
References and Links
if web sites of other providers are referenced indirectly or directly (e.g. by links), the provider of this web site is only liable for the contents of the foreign sites, if he has knowledge of the contents and it is reasonable and technically feasible to prevent the use of the unlawful contents.
for all other contents of the foreign web pages, especially for damages from the use or not use of these informations, only the provider of these sites are liable, but not the provider offering only links to those pages. this restriction also holds for foreign information brought in by users of this service (e.g. mailing lists, guest books, etc.).
The provider of this web site endeavour to respect the copyrights of the used pictures, sounds and texts in all publications and to use own pictures, sounds and texts. The copyright for objects made by the provider of the web site remains by the author of the pages. The copy or use of such pictures, sounds, or texts is prohibited without the consent of the provider of this web site.
Legal Validity
This disclaimer is to be viewed as an inseparable part of the web content of the site from which the disclaimer is referenced. In case, parts or particular phrases of this text do not fully conform to the legal situation, the legal validity of other parts of the document are not influenced by this.
Concept and Design
Corporate Creation
responsible for this website is
dipl. des. matthias garvelmann
valleystrasse 38
d-81371 münchen
phone: +49 89 27 77 90 10
cellphone: +49 17 95 99 99 97
ust-idnr. 147/131/10168
References and Links
if web sites of other providers are referenced indirectly or directly (e.g. by links), the provider of this web site is only liable for the contents of the foreign sites, if he has knowledge of the contents and it is reasonable and technically feasible to prevent the use of the unlawful contents.
for all other contents of the foreign web pages, especially for damages from the use or not use of these informations, only the provider of these sites are liable, but not the provider offering only links to those pages. this restriction also holds for foreign information brought in by users of this service (e.g. mailing lists, guest books, etc.).
The provider of this web site endeavour to respect the copyrights of the used pictures, sounds and texts in all publications and to use own pictures, sounds and texts. The copyright for objects made by the provider of the web site remains by the author of the pages. The copy or use of such pictures, sounds, or texts is prohibited without the consent of the provider of this web site.
Legal Validity
This disclaimer is to be viewed as an inseparable part of the web content of the site from which the disclaimer is referenced. In case, parts or particular phrases of this text do not fully conform to the legal situation, the legal validity of other parts of the document are not influenced by this.
Concept and Design
Corporate Creation
Dipl. Des. Matthias Garvelmann
Hohenberger Strasse 27
D-82402 Seeshaupt
Tel.: +49 88 01 91 54 94 4
Mob.: +49 179 59 99 99 7